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Launch Your Author Website in 7 Steps: a Quick Start Guide

A quick start guide to launching your author website, sharing your work, and attracting loyal readers. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz 


  • Benefits of an author website
  • How to build an author website: 7 steps
  • What’s next? Building your author brand beyond the website

Benefits of an author website

Imagine having a space online that’s all yours—a place where readers, publishers, and literary agents can find you and your work with just a few clicks. Your author website helps you stand out and establish your brand. It’s your personal platform where you control the story, share updates, showcase your writing, and amplify your voice in the world of books.

Whether you’re sharing sample chapters, posting blog articles, or simply letting readers know more about your journey as a writer, your website offers endless opportunities to connect.

Here's the best part:

  • Building your first author website can be a smooth and exciting process, even if you don't...
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