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Your knowledge hub for mastering story craft, staying ahead of publishing industry trends, and getting your story into the hands of readers. Each article offers writing strategies and advice you can consume in just a few minutes and apply to your projects to see results.  

8 Advanced Strategies for Developing Your Writing Style

Practice eight advanced strategies for developing a stand-out writing style readers crave. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz


  • Overview
  • 8 advanced writing style strategies 
  • Final writing style thoughts


Writing style is something you develop over the whole of your writing journey. With every new sentence, page, story, or book project, you discover more about your unique gifts as a writer and the components of your stand-out style. 

Of course, there are several quick fixes that can improve your style right now. My article, "How to Improve Your Writing Style," offers 6 easy tips for getting fast results. Here, you can practice on a short writing sample and set a new a new standard for your writing. 

Keep in mind: true refinement comes from consistent practice and dedication. As you continue writing, your style will naturally evolve, becoming clearer, more authentic, and uniquely your own.

In this writing style guide, I offer more...

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How to Improve Your Writing Style: 6 Easy Tips to See Fast Results

Discover easy steps you can take to transform your writing in minutes. 

By Julie Tyler Ruiz


  • Writing style overview
  • 6 easy writing style tips
  • Final writing style considerations

Writing style overview

What is writing style? Writing style refers to the unique way you express yourself in words. It includes sentence structure, tone, and word choice, as well as how these elements relate to the overall message and meaning of a piece of writing.

No matter your genrefiction, blogging, content marketing, or creative nonfictionimproving your writing style makes your work more engaging. It helps you communicate ideas with your readers more effectively.

Below, you'll find 6 quick tips you can apply to a short writing sample to see instant results.

6 easy writing tips 

Grab a short sample of your writing, something that matters to you, in any genre. Then, use these tips to refine the sample quickly and see improvements right away. This is your chance to...

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