From Idea to Published:

a writing workshop series


All writers welcome! Bring your unique
projects, passions, talents, and stories!
every Saturday @11am ET, from July 20 to September 14, 2024



  • July 20: Master Your Writing Process
  • July 27: Turn Ideas into Stories
  • Aug 3: Craft Characters Readers Love 
  • Aug 10: Write Riveting Scenes 
  • Aug 17: Tie Your Story's Elements Together
  • Aug 24: Develop Your Own Writing Style
  • Aug 31: Edit and Revise Your Work 
  • Sept 7: Pitch, Promote, & Market Your Book
  • Sept 14: Get Feedback on Your Work (BONUS Critique Session)

As Featured In

ready to breathe new life into your writing project?


In this writing workshop series, I'll be guiding you through concrete strategies to turn your ideas into publishable material. As your story takes shape on paper, you'll build a full array of book-writing skills and lay a foundation for long-term writing success.

By joining this nine-week experience, you'll get to forge friendships with fellow writers and hold yourself accountable to your writing dreams.


I'm offering this series to help writers get more stories into the world. 

Many writers come to me with fantastic story ideas and promising works-in-progress. They confess a variety of challenges:

  • Feeling blocked.
  • Not knowing what to write next.
  • Doubting their abilities.
  • Feeling afraid to pitch agents and publishers. 

To help writers overcome these challenges and tell great stories, I've worked side-by-side with writers and created numerous classes, video tutorials, and other resources. Through teaching thousands of writers, I've discovered the most effective combination of writing craft, community, accountability, professionalization, and mindset exercises to help you turn ideas into publishable work. 

I've designed this series to give you this powerful learning experience. I invite you to: 

  • Join a committed cohort of writers.
  • Get the tools you need. 
  • Eliminate blocks.
  • See the possibilities for your book and your writing career at large. 

Here’s what you get when you join From Idea to Published:

See what authors I’ve worked with say

Barbara Garcia Blanca

"Julie’s blend of instruction, thought-provoking prompts, writing exercises, and reading/feedback portions kept me fully engaged and solidified the guidance into memory. Julie is an intuitive mentor adept at getting right to the heart of things. Her constructive feedback empowered me to go forth wiser, stronger. Her warm energy and passion for helping people tell their stories is so encouraging. Her intelligence, experience, and love of writing really shined through and created an environment that felt open and encouraging regardless of individual writing level. After her class, I was able to recognize and avoid previous pitfalls, saving me both time and wasted effort. I was able to finish a project much more quickly and with much better results. I look forward to working with Julie again. She is an exceptional and rare find!"

Colleen Ruiz

"Julie's passion for writing as well as her commitment to helping writers bring their stories into the world is palpable. She provides learning experiences where freedom of expression is highly valued and encouraged. She does a fantastic job of creating an inspirational and open-minded atmosphere where all ideas are welcome. You get the opportunity to share pieces of your work and receive valuable feedback from other writers. Julie's unique ability for asking thought-provoking questions makes her a superior coach, so be prepared to grow as a writer and as a human being. She stimulates your curiosity, encourages you to go deeper, and assists you with tapping into your endless creative reservoir. Simply put, Julie has a gift for turning even “non-writers” into powerful storytellers. She’s the real deal. For anyone with a message to share or a story to tell, do yourself a favor and join this incredible community. I’m so grateful that I did."

Personalize your investment

Choose the option that best fits your writing journey. 


Option 1: register for the entire workshop series

By taking this option, you'll register for all workshops in just one click and progress through the series in the order I've designed it.  

This is the simplest and most affordable option to:

  • Attend all or most of the workshops, every Saturday, 11am-12:30pm ET, from July 20 to September 14. 
  • Commit to the process for nine weeks. 
  • Build relationships with other writers in attendance. 
  • Avoid the hassle of multiple payments. 
  • Slash $93 off the cost of registering for each session individually.
  • Join the bonus critique session and get valuable input on your work. 

Click below to register for the whole series in one payment of $299 (automatically saving you $93 and getting you the bonus session). 


Option 2: register for each workshop individually

This is a great option for focusing your energy on the topics you most crave. 

Click below to register for the workshop(s) you like best, each for $49. 

NOTE: The September 14 critique session is a BONUS for registering for the whole workshop series. It is not available for individual purchase. 

Important details about

the writing workshop series:

my story

I've been teaching and coaching writers for well over a decade now! My passion is to help writers create characters, build plot lines, cultivate a unique voice, and develop the right mindset for getting their work in print.   

The number of stories inside each of us staggering, but often, writers cannot even access their own gifts because discouraging thoughts, beliefs, and habits have set the tone for their writing lives.

My goal is for every writer who reaches out to overcome doubt and limiting beliefs, master craft, and take their stories from idea to published. 

Learn more about me HERE.

Are you ready to go from idea to published?

Join this workshop series today to achieve your writing goals and see your story come to life!